How to Negoitate Debt Problems – Settle IRS Tax Debt First

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You may be thinking, “I’ll take care of the IRS once I settle the other bills that are due” or maybe you’ve decided to get into a debt management program and they claim they’ll fix the tax issues too. . The bad idea of ​​an IRS agent has more power than your average bill collector. In fact, while debt management programs are required to consider all of your unsecured debts that are unpaid, the IRS does not. They don’t care if a Visa, Master Charge, department store or unsecured debtor is at your doorstep, regardless of whatever arrangements you have with them. Making a deal with the IRS in advance will discourage many creditors as well; they know if the IRS can’t charge you, they don’t stand a chance.

We’ve even had clients tell other creditors “run my credit report, look at tax liens; if the IRS can’t collect why would you want to waste your time.”

If you owe taxes that are past due, you should understand this information:

Just like credit cards, tax debt can be overwhelming. Fines and interest often increase so quickly that the amount you owe can double, triple, quadruple or worse very quickly. Often there is no end in sight even if you make regular payments. Unlike other bill collectors, IRS agents do not need a court order to seize salaries, bank accounts, and other assets. Furthermore, the IRS does not deduct interest or penalties just because you are also in a debt management program. Actually it has nothing to do at all in the eyes of the IRS agent.

We have good news for you!

Most taxpayers are qualified to make affordable deals on tax debts. There is a guilt-free sanctuary, mandated by Congress and sponsored by the Internal Revenue Service. However, don’t expect an IRS agent to qualify you or even tell you about this little-known program. Their job is to collect taxes, every penny they think you should pay plus penalties and interest.

You can take yourself to a safe place. Our staff and ebooks have helped over ten thousand clients with their tax problems. If you have the money (and most with debt problems don’t), you might consider paying a tax attorney to fix the problem for you. However, in most cases you can make an affordable deal with the IRS. You can change your IRS tax issues and get all the worries behind you. We offer a Tax Relief eBook that will teach you how to deal with your tax debt problems and make sure you know the rules IRS agents must follow.

You can also stop the government from seizing your bank account, garnishing salaries or auctioning houses and other assets. Usually, stopping this aggressive collection action takes anywhere from as fast as 3 hours to dragging the process out for several years if you prefer. Stopping payroll checks and bank foreclosures is something the IRS should do if handled properly.
