To start your business, you must do what is called a “Memory Jogger”, which is a list of names of people you know who you will contact or contact to tell about your mlm product or business.
Most people who do Memory Joggers in mlm, or create rosters, find that they have trouble coming up with names. The Network marketing company you’ve partnered with should provide you with a list of “Triggers” that will spark your thoughts about the people you know.
INFERNO’s secret:
It is a Psychological Fact that if you are 25 years old or older, you know 1000 people.
You just forgot most of them, so you need a reminder about them. That’s the goal of Network Marketing Memory Jogger.
The list can contain family names, occupations, associations, and more. You need to look through the list and find as many names as possible.
The list will look like this:
Construction workers
Communication workers
Car Salesman
Electrical workers
Flooring Sales
Karate Instructors
Life Insurance Sales
Legal Assistants
Machine Shop workers
Retail Sales clerks
You get the ID.
But you have to find at least 50 names on the first attempt.
This will give you what I call a “Work Inventory”.
Secrets of Hell:
Your REAL Inventory is NOT the product or Service your company sells. This is PEOPLE.
And you MUST have people to talk to about what you do. Many people start out with too few names, and then complain that they have no one to talk to. Think of everyone you know WITHOUT judging their level of interest, and write down their names. Use the Memory Jogger provided by your network marketing company, and do it with your upline. This will be a very important part of your initial success in MLM.
INFERNO’s secret:
Use the “Follow Your Dollar” strategy to find names for your hot market listings. Who do you spend money with to live your life and buy things for you and your family?
Who is your Insurance Agent?
Who did you buy the car from?
Who do you buy clothes from?
Who sold your house?
Who did you buy the plane tickets from?
Who is your doctor?
Who pays your taxes?
Who is your Dentist?
Are you starting to understand what that means?
There are people who do business with you. You need to let them know that you can use their help at your new network marketing company.
Say, “I think you’ll agree that I do a lot of business with you, and I need your help with my new company.”
INFERNO’s secret:
To DOUBLE the size of any Memory Jogger, you need to ask a question.
“Who do you know that they know?”
This will double the size of any Name List you could potentially create.
Doing a Memory Jogger is important to get off to a good start in Network Marketing. Make sure you do and follow the advice your company recommends for great MLM and Network Marketing Success.
God bless you,
(c) 2005/ all rights reserved PassionFire Intl