Employees are protected from unfair employment practices by several relevant laws. Employment law, also known as labor law, deals with workplace rights and responsibilities for employees and employers.
The United States Department of Labor administers and enforces nearly 200 federal laws. State laws are specifically administered by state governments. This law covers all aspects of the employer/employee relationship (except the negotiation process covered by labor and collective bargaining laws). Employment laws cover a wide range of issues from job hunting and initial contracts to privacy and email policies, taxes, immigration, hours, wages, legal rights, security issues, leave, benefits, discrimination and harassment, health and safety and segregation. Also, the employer has to comply with some rules and laws.
Employment law is complex and constantly changing. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist or legal adviser before considering legal action in the field of employment law.
Whether it’s an employee or an employer, a legal attorney who specializes in employment law can appropriately represent any case relating to an employer-employee dispute. Many claims relating to employment law have a time limit or deadline known as a “statute of limitations”. Therefore, it is better to file a claim as soon as possible.
On the employer’s side, most claims are handled by legal experts in their Human Resources department. The company also outsourced some claims to external attorneys. From the employee side, it is very important to choose a good employment attorney to represent the case against the employer. There are various issues to consider when choosing an employment attorney. This includes costs, time involved, other alternatives such as arbitration or mediation, level of involvement required by the person, etc.
Atlanta employment attorneys can be found through referral services provided by the Georgia State Bar Association, county bar associations, and other professional legal associations. Information is also available on the yellow pages or through search engines such as Google and Yahoo on the Internet. You can check law firm advertisements in magazines and newspapers. Friends and family members are another source of information, as are coworkers.