California Now Allows Residents To Wrap Their Front License Plates

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Are you tired of front license plates ruining the look of cars? Well, it may be time to move to California because the state is now offering an innovative alternative to metal front license plates. Instead of drilling holes in your front bumper or adding a plastic bracket, California will allow residents to add a sticker of their front license plate to the front of their cars. This means California residents no longer have to worry about ugly front plates ruining their car’s styling.

In the United States of America, front license plate rules are determined by states. In fact, thirty-one of America’s fifty states require the use of a front license plate. The addition of a front plate negates much of the work auto manufacturers put into the styling and aerodynamics of their cars. This is especially true in sports cars that usually have smaller front-end areas dominated by air intakes.

The California front plate wrap has been in the works since 2013 when California issued Senate Bill No. 806, which tasked the California DMV to explore front License plate alternatives. Chapter 569 of the bill specifically reads, “This bill would authorize the department to establish a pilot program, to be completed no later than January 1, 2017, to evaluate the use of alternatives to stickers, tabs, license plates, and registration cards, subject to certain requirements, and to report the results of the pilot program, as specified, to the Legislature no later than July 1, 2018.”

Texas has explored the idea of removing front plate laws for specific vehicles as way to balance the front plate law for residents. 

A Huntington Beach, CA company called License Plate Wraps (LPW) offered the idea of a license plate wrap, which was piloted on 28 vehicles used by the California Highway Patrol starting in 2015. After passing the initial test, a pilot program of the front plate warps was offered to California residents. The pilot program was recently extended into 2023.

To secure a front plate wrap, California residents simply go on to LPW’s website and submit their license plate information. Customers can choose from 8 different license plate designs that include unique designs as well as important designations like a handicap license plate.

This unique project means that Californians can shed some of the cost and invasive surgery synonymous with front license plates while remaining compliant with California’s traffic laws. We hope this new project spreads to other states that require front plates and it seems like the perfect solution.
