Boiler Station The fuel of the boiler is fiber, Part of the steam out from the furnace supply […]

Palm Kernel Recovery Palm kernel recovery station basic of high efficiency recovery process of palm kernel after palm oil pressing […]

    Clarification station can extract crude palm oil from sludge. The obtained crude palm oil purity can reach up […]

    Cooking, sterilizing, threshing and mashing made the pulp soft and damage pulp cell structure, the palm pulp becomes […]

    Threshing station uses strong vibration to make separation of palm fruit from palm bunches. Raw materials after sterilization […]

Palm bunch sterilization station utilizes high temperature (145℃, 90-120min) to cook palm bunches. Palm fruit can easily separate from palm […]

1. Station Bunch Reception: as palm fruit unloading, cleaning, storage platform during palm oil mill processing, all hydraulic segmented discharge. […]