Child Allowance is money owed to the custodial parent from the non-custodial parent on behalf of the child to cover expenses for the child’s wants and needs. It can be the mother or father receiving child support, whoever is the child’s legal guardian.
How Child Allowance Is Calculated
The amount is decided by a family law court called “guideline child support.” This amount is decided by comparing and evaluating each parent’s tax filings, as well as the amount of time each parent has with their child.
It is important to understand that child support is income driven, not cost driven. Most lay family attorneys own and use the software that the courts use, and will be able to calculate it for you with input forms such as your income, former income, health insurance payments, and tax filing status.
Child Benefits May Be Reviewed or Updated
If one or the other parent’s financial situation changes, you can file an Order to Show Cause and have the court re-evaluate the current child support agreement. Courts have final deciding power and may increase or decrease child support payments based on these findings.
California law states that this must be paid before any other expenses. This must be paid monthly until the child reaches the age of 18, is released or dies. Child support is outstanding until it is paid in full. Interest is applied for arrears at a rate of 10% annually.
To help you understand your rights and choices and to protect yourself and your family, you should speak with a family law attorney in your area.