Process Control Palm Oil Mill using Technology Android Application
Is it possible for a technology smartphone application to be integrated with the palm oil industry, especially to control performance at any time and wherever we are ..?
If we look at 10 or 20 years ago, maybe it would be impossible to apply controlling technology from home. Especially with the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is very helpful for our control process, especially as the head of the department.
In the digital era of Industry 5.0, these technologies are increasingly penetrating into every smallest part of all industry lines that are around us. Just imagine, even now for the class of micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) already using applied technology to simplify activities and facilitate the management and business transactions.
In one of the well-known companies engaged in agribusiness, at PT. Astra Agro Lestari, tbk. Applying this technology to support activities in running its business. One of them is the DINDA MELLI program which applies an technology android smartphone as a tool for inputting and transferring data from the factory location site which is then sent to the Astra Agro Lestari server to be processed and monitored at any time by an operator who has been appointed to carry out analysis and monitoring. . Monitoring data can be seen in real time, and we can see it anytime using internet data.
The working system is as follows:
Data is captured using an android cellphone —> Data is transferred to the central server —> Data is processed automatically by the system —> Data appears on the site that has been created
In the next time we will post a lot about this technology.