Start A Self-Publishing Business While You Maintain Your Regular Job

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Anyone can write a few books and easily start self-publishing their own books. The hard part is becoming a financially successful self-publisher. The reality of publishing is that most writers and self-publishers make little or no money from publishing. You have to understand that it will take a lot of time and effort on your part to get your publication to start making money. Here are some great ways to get started, without driving yourself crazy or upsetting your family.

1. Keep your current job and think carefully about what you want to publish.

Do a lot of research and soul searching on what subject matter you are going to write about. What is your specialty, or expertise, or market niche?

2. Keep your current job and write and publish on subjects you are passionate about.

You will devote a great deal of time to writing, promoting, marketing and selling, etc. You won’t get very far if you don’t have a passion for your subject (niche).

3. Keep your current job and involve your family in your plans – especially your partner.

Your partner, in most situations, should be your partner in your new venture. They have as much to gain, or to lose, as you do. Therefore, they will be highly motivated to help make it a success.

4. Keep your current job and get professional help for your business.

This means an accountant (for financial and tax planning), and an attorney (for copyright, trademark and business formation). This is not a subject you should try to do yourself to save a few dollars.

5. Keep your current job and keep your new business lean (keep expenses to a minimum).

Using the internet wisely gives you the ability to run an entire business from home – very cheaply, efficiently and without employees.

6. Keep your current job and be an excellent employee at work.

You must continue to do well at your job; lose it and you could lose everything.

7. Keep your current job and keep your business profits – and reinvest if necessary.

Use the earnings to set up the business infrastructure (LLC, copyright, computers, etc.) that your business needs.

8. Keep your current job and schedule time for your writing, business, and personal time.

Make a list of things to do, to achieve, to achieve – to keep yourself and your new business on the path to success. And always make time for your family – no exceptions.

9. Keep your current job and don’t complain about your challenging work schedule – especially while at the job.

Colleagues don’t want to hear about it – and it will damage your reputation at work. And don’t let your family hear you complaining – it’s going to piss everyone off. Once your self-publishing business has been up and running for a while, scheduling and time management will be less of an issue.

10. Keep your current job and wait longer than you want to quit it.

At least until your self-publishing can generate enough income to cover all of your living expenses. If you have a family, then double or triple the required amount of income. If your work gives you credibility in the eyes of your readers, which will help you sell more copies, then you may want to keep the job.


By now you should understand that if you already have a salaried job, the best way to start and sustain your new self-publishing venture is to keep your salaried job – and do the two together. And, in many cases, it’s easy enough to keep your regular job (for medical benefits, retirement savings, regular paychecks, industry contacts), and also run your own publishing business (for extra income, fame, credibility, retirement and income businesses, outlets creative) at the same time. Plus, staying employed while you build your own publishing business is a great way to dive into the world of entrepreneurship. Good luck.
