There are several books that have made history in their respective fields and have developed an unusual desire for them […]
Tag: attorney fees tax deduction
Attention Attorneys: Beware of the Online Fraud
Are you a solo practitioner? Do you have a small or medium size law firm? This article is for you […]
Is The Secrecy of a Land Trust Lawful?
Land Trusts (LT) have been used in the United States for more than 100 years, primarily for privacy of ownership. […]
Medicaid Estate Recovery: What to Do?
Merely qualifying for Medicaid is not enough if after your death your family has to repay the state every penny […]
What Is a Qualified Personal Residence Trust (QPRT)?
QPRT is a form of irrevocable life trust designed to reduce the amount of gift and property taxes that are […]
Key Factors That Make a Successful Criminal Defence Lawyer
Many people believe that a good criminal lawyer is an aggressive and, perhaps, even pushy prosecutor or judge. This belief […]
Tutorial on Workers’ Compensation
Whether you are starting a new business or already in an established business, you need to know the basics of […]
Online Tax Filing – A Smart Way to File Your Taxes
Advances in technology have opened up many ways to file income taxes, but there is still one question plaguing people’s […]
Offshore Safe Deposit Boxes – Secure Places to Stash Your Cash
You may, sooner or later, end up with sensitive letters or other portable assets of high value that need to […]
Real Estate Buyer’s Checklist
The following is a list of common problems that can easily be prevented when buying or selling real estate. a. […]