Fusible Plug Boiler
Potential Dangers and Risks that can occur in Boilers, Seeing this potential then we go back again to see the safety on boilers that can be utilized and maximized to keep our boilers safe to operate. There are many safety equipment that must be considered in the operation of the boiler.
One of them is to make sure the Fusible Plug is still in good condition and there are no signs of damage.
First we will discuss about Fusible Plug Fusible, Plug is one of the 13 safety devices that must be owned by the Boiler.
Of course we know what will happen when the Pressure in the Drum Boiler is High then the water is Low Level or Empty, plus the temperature continues to rise.
Above conditions are the most feared and most avoided conditions in boiler operations, if this happens and there is no safety, it is most likely that the boiler will explode. What…? How bad is that. Yes, it is true…
Therefore, when we are either a supervisor or as an operator operating a boiler, before operating, make sure to always do a boiler safety drill. Some of the objectives of a safety drill are:
1. Ensuring Low Low Level is working properly
2. Ensure the sight glass is functioning properly
3. Ensure that safety equipment such as interlocks work
4. Ensure all equipment such as valves, pressure gauges, temperature gauges are also functioning properly.
It’s complicated to operate a boiler, yes, it’s really complicated, there are many things that must be considered in its operation. Back again to Fusible Plug.
Do you know what a Fusible Plug is?
Maybe as long as we work with the boiler, this tiny little part we may rarely see or pay attention to. As picture below:
Usually installed on every press with high working pressure. The boiler itself is attached to the upper drum. Like the problem mentioned above.
If there is a malfunction of the feed water pump, then the interlock when the low water level does not work, there is still a lot of fuel in the furnace (not overtaken) to empty the fuel, then the safety valve drum and super heater fail to function, of course resulting in continued pressure. increases with increasing temperature. So to prevent boiler explosions due to continuous increase in temperature and pressure, the constituent material of the Fusible Plug will melt slowly because it has entered the melting point of the constituent material (usually made of copper). When these conditions there will be a hole at the end of the drum, then it will throw hot air from the hole.
There are any things that must be considered when installing a fusible plug:
1. The height and location must be adjusted so that it can provide early protection for every part of the steam boiler due to damage due to direct use of the boiler furnace heat in case of water shortage and overheating.
2. Has an outer part with the constituent material must be made of bronze (bronze) or gunmetal which is lined with conical central. For the dimensions of the diameter not more than 3/8, For pressures of 100 psi or less usually the diameter is .
3. The path is covered by a plug which is completely covered by an annular lining path of fusible alloy arranged in such a way that this plug will completely drop when the lining path melts.
4. The constituent metal mixture must be melted at a temperature not more than F greater than the saturation steam temperature which can be equated with the safe working pressure allowed by the boiler in accordance with the specifications and designs of the manufacturer.