Industrial Thermal Fluid Heater – You have many options to help you better understand your boiler or thermal fluid heater.
Unfortunately, boilers and heaters can’t talk. We might hear them occasionally asking, “Will your attention?” Many people treat the heater as if it were their car, only paying attention when it breaks down. A heater that fails can quickly cost you money and cause unplanned expenses.
These ten tips will assist you in recognizing potential problems and taking appropriate steps to avoid an unexpected shutdown.
Look for Something Different
Industrial Thermal Fluid Heater First Tips– Your eyes are your best friend. A visual inspection of the heater/boiler can often help you spot any changes. Leaks could indicate internal corrosion or through-wall thinning. Another indicator that can be easily seen is paint discolouration. This could indicate an insulation failure hot spot.
You should also keep track of gauge readings and plot them daily. You can spot any negative trends in fuel, water, or thermal fluid use and stack temperature readings by regularly reviewing them.
Listen Carefully
Industrial Thermal Fluid Heater Second Tips – Simply by listening to the sound, you can determine the correct answer. Because gas and fluid moving through pipes make distinctive sounds, You can easily identify problems with burners, pumps, and certain valves (e.g. check valves) by simply listening to their sounds and comparing them to the ones that are normal. If it sounds bad, it is most likely bad.
Use your sense of smell
Industrial Thermal Fluid Heater Thrird Tips – Another great asset is your nose. A leaking fluid smells of gas, and burnt electrical contacts are all signs that something isn’t working properly. When you enter a boiler room, the best time to use your senses of smell is the first. Learn the smells of water treatment chemicals, and then use your nose to spot leaks as you move through the room.
Take a look at a sample of the Heater Fluid
Industrial Thermal Fluid Heater Four Tips – A sample of water from a heater can give you a good idea of the condition of the boiler. Reddish water can indicate high iron levels, which is often due to internal corrosion. Particulates in water can be caused by rust. However, fluid degradation may also be indicated by the presence of particulates in thermal fluid heaters. Your heater’s fluid is your lifeblood. Do not ignore any change in the heater’s appearance.
Keep an eye on the Stack Temperature
Industrial Thermal Fluid Heater Five Tips – Stove temperature is the best indicator of heater efficiency. Heater scaling and fouling are common causes of decreased heater efficiency. A 1/32″ layer can actually increase fuel costs by several percentage points. It is nearly impossible to detect scaling and fouling without invasive procedures. It is possible to spot changes in inefficiency caused by chronic problems by monitoring the stack temperature and plotting these readings. The best investment in your installation is a simple temperature gauge. For information on heater stack temperatures, contact the heater manufacturer.
Check the Exhaust Colour
Industrial Thermal Fluid Heater Six Tips – This is because the stack outlet is often not located near the boiler rooms. The heater’s efficiency is often indicated by the exhaust from an oil-fired heater, particularly if it has a high combustion rate. Consider driving behind a car with engine problems and smokey exhaust. The same can happen to a heater. It is not good if it produces smoke of any colour. Burners that produce too much smoke will usually indicate unburned fuel. Make it a habit to regularly inspect the heater exhaust from the roof.
Predict Shutdowns
Industrial Thermal Fluid Heater Seven Tips – Low water, low flow, or flame failure can sometimes cause a heater to go offline. To help determine when a sensor component needs to be replaced, keep detailed records of any such failures. The shelf storage of extra level, pressure and flow controllers, as well as spare parts for flame sensors, can reduce downtime. Component failures can be prevented if you keep good records and implement a preventive maintenance program. It is possible to reduce or even prevent nuisance trips offline with a little preparation.
Increase Your Knowledge
Industrial Thermal Fluid Heater Eight Tips – Water treatment personnel, service technicians, and technical support staff for heater and burner companies are all valuable resources – and they are just a phone call away. These people are likely to have experienced every problem that a heater might encounter. The heater’s operation and maintenance manual contain detailed information about the heater and its components. When maintenance personnel tells you that something is not right, listen to them. Before things get worse, be proactive and call the experts.
Lay the Heater Correctly
Industrial Thermal Fluid Heater Nine Tips – You should prepare your lawnmower for storage. However, it is important to take steps to protect your heater after production has stopped. If the heater is not stored properly, it can suffer from high corrosion and fouling. Make sure your maintenance plan includes both short-term as well long-term maintenance.
Insist on Ownership
Industrial Thermal Fluid Heater Ten Tips – These tips are possible, but it is important to clearly define who is responsible for heating the heater. At the time of installation, it is important to establish who is responsible for both equipment operation and long-term maintenance. There is nothing more frustrating for a plant manager than to hear “I thought you were taking care” during a meeting about a plan to recover from an outage.
Your chances of keeping your heater running well are much higher if you recognize the signs that indicate failure. These ten tips will help you succeed and keep your heater online.