What is Vibrating Screen For Palm Oil Mill?
Vibrating sieve or more commonly known as Vibrating screen in Palm Oil Mills serves to separate solid sand or solids contained in crude oil. The process is carried out by sifting/vibrating the filter media (mesh) with a certain hole size (mesh) that is adjusted to the needs. The use of vibrating screen units in palm oil mills or vibrating screen palm oil mills is installed after the Oil Gutter or after the output from the Sand Trap Tank before the Continuous Settling Tank / CST (before entering the Crude Oil Tank / Crude Oil Tank).
At others palm oil mill, it is also done by providing additional hot water as additional feeding to reduce clumping on the Mesh Vibrating Screen. Designed with a round model with a diameter of 60″, the use of a vibrating screen mesh is usually for 2-level screen types usually using 20 mesh (meaning, in 1 inch square there are 20 holes) and mesh 40 (meaning, in 1 square inch there are 40 holes). If the hole is small, the filtering will also be maximized but it will get clogged faster.Keep in mind that the selection of vibrating screen (mesh) is adjusted to the conditions of each factory in the field. The result of this vibrating screen is in the form of dirty oil and sand as shown in the picture.

Vibrating Screen Working System
• All materials to be processed must be loaded at a low and constant speed.
• Material is inserted vertically right in the center of the screen so that it is distributed
• For liquids, the flow velocity must be reduced so that the ‘screen’ does not fill and avoid damage to the screen.
• The weight and angle of the eccentric mass can be adjusted to control the movement pattern of the material from its fill point (center of the screen) to the edge of the screen (material discharge funnel). The most perfect combination can be achieved by the ‘Trial and Error’ method because the settings are different for each type of material being processed,
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Look at this picture below:
Setting Pendulum Vibrating Screen
1. Top Weight (Horizontal Amplitude)
The radial velocity (the speed at which the material moves from the center to the edge) increases as the horizontal amplitude increases. The weight plate attached to the top eccentric increases the horizontal amplitude. Installed on the machine is a standard/average amount. Extra ballast is available on the base of the machine. Adjustment is only needed to improve engine performance.
2. Bottom Weight (Vertical Amplitude)
With the same working principle, the bottom weight affects the vertical amplitude. This vertical amplitude is a minimum of 1/16 inch and a maximum of 3/8 inch. A larger amplitude is required for heavy or wet materials, a smaller amplitude for sifting finer particles, in order to produce a good separation.
3. Amplitude Meter
Each unit of the AMKCO Vibra-Screen brand is equipped with an amplitude indicator on each frame. This indicator is a sticker which has two axes marked ‘Vertical’ and ‘Horizontal’ to indicate the respective amplitude of movement when the machine is operated. To read it, run the machine and note the point where the axis lines on the indicator appear to intersect. Generally the amplitude of the vibra-screen ranges from 1/16 to 3/8 inch for vertical and horizontal movement, respectively.
Note: If the horizontal or vertical amplitude is seen to exceed 3/8 inch, the weight plate must be reduced until the resulting amplitude does not exceed the permissible level.
It should also be noted that each factory has different characteristics and raw materials. Therefore it could be that the settings of each factory also have different settings from each other.