Sludge centrifuge of palm oil mill is one of the most vital equipment in the palm oil processing industry. Palm Oil is an export commodity that is one of the prides of Indonesia because it is needed by the international market.
Many companies need a sludge centrifuge with the best advantage, capacity and capability. There are many parties who sell sludge separators with the latest and reliable features for various needs.
How Sludge Separator / Sludge Centrifuge Works
The first process is sorting or selecting the oil palm fruit to be processed into oil. This is to check and analyze level of maturity of the palm oil to be processed. Oil palm fruits thats do not meet the standards will be separated, then processed into suitable and ideal types. The next process is sterilization by boiling. The goal is to reduce the Free Fatty Acid (FFA) in palm oil so that it is easier to separate the seeds and fruit.
Next process is the separation of oil palm bunches with a special machine. Some do it manually but it will take longer than usual. The pressing process is the next step by compressing the palm fruit and extracting crude palm oil. The last is the clarification process which will be refined through the filtering and fractionation process. The characteristic palm oil odor can also be removed during this process.
To know how the sludge separator works. Sludge separator works to separate solid and liquid elements with a specified residual moisture. This method is also often applied by various industries for waste treatment. The model of this tool is a centrifugal with a solid bowl and always rotates during the separation process. The speed is regulated by a conveyor bolt.
Its performance by utilizing a bowl rotation system that has been installed and released out through the nozzle. The success rate of separating oil from solid elements will depend on the quality of the equipment used. By using wastewater sludge centrifuge, the process in the palm oil mill will run more smoothly.
However, there is always the possibility of unsatisfactory results using a similar tool. Therefore, there are several things that affect the performance of the wastewater centrifuge operation. First of all is the treatment capacity of the sludge dewatering decanter. This is where the operator must understand how the capabilities of the tool to be used. The process of sludge dewatering separator is also determined by the temperature of the oil in it. What is the standardization of the temperature in this capacity? It is estimated that around 90 degrees Celsius or less. The size of the nozzle also affects the success rate of using the sludge separator. Therefore, the sludge dewatering process must also be carried out carefully and carefully. Another factor that determines the success of the sludge dewatering method is the rotation of the bowl as well as the portion of the oil and liquid in it.
The use of sludge dewatering technologies is supported by a number of important components in it. Starting from the top cover, rotor shaft, hot and cold water pipes, sludge discharge, oil discharge, sludge inlet, electric motor, nozzle, bearing, and star bowl.
The process applied in the palm oil separator machine is how to effectively separate mud or solid elements. The function of palm oil separation is to purify the oil content so that it can produce high quality products. Through a vertical and horizontal rotation system, the results can be maximized by using a palm oil sludge separator.
The alpha laval palm oil separator machine always works in a balanced feed composition, and can be distinguished based on the type of decanter used. This is where it is important to choose a palm oil mill aerator that can work quickly and efficiently and maximize the production of the oil produced. Components such as nozzle separators must also be selected based on the quality category.
The problem that is often faced is the replacement of the separator nozzle. However, it takes a more practical and maximum way to separate the liquid in the processed process. Its use can be by using a Two Phase decanter machine. Its working principle separates the solid and liquid elements that have been put into the Crude Oil tank. The liquid oil will be processed and then processed in the Settling tank. Next is the waste treatment process at the Fat Pit.
Processes with Two Phase machines must be started in a proper manner. Namely placing it in the right spot. The load from solid elements must be reduced so that the process runs faster and more efficiently. To meet the quality standards of the oil produced, the use of a sludge centrifuge / sludge separator is continued in the process in the oil purifier machine. In the separation process that runs regularly, the results will be more satisfactory.
There is also a decanter with the Three Phase type. This machine also relies on a system of alpha laval separator nozzles. The working principle is also the same as the Two Phase engine. The difference lies in the three separation models, namely solid, liquid, and oil fractions. The process will also be maximized because these elements can be selected and separated properly so that there will be no mixture that reduces palm oil.
The use of the Three Phase engine must also pay attention to the details of the density load. As much as possible should reduce the volume during the separation process so that it will produce a higher quality product. As one of the leading export products, palm oil must be processed using the best standard machines which have now undergone many developments. Thus, the results will always be maintained and can be developed in a number of oil palm lands that are still unexplored.
Today, more and more factories are overhauling their equipment with more sophisticated concepts. Such as the use of the Westfalia nozzle separator and other components that can maximize the company’s performance. During the process of separating oil from liquids or solid elements, the ability to place the decanter must be reliable. The goal is to separate the solid elements from the refined oil.
The purpose of the decanter is to separate each part or coarse element from the oil so that the product can be of higher quality. However, there are a number of factors that influence the success of the separation process, which will also be an important point for the quality of the palm oil mill product. First of all is the balance of the amount of sludge processed with the capacity of the equipment. It is impossible to impose excessive production while not taking all these aspects into account. The function of the decanter device must also be understood as well as possible by the operator in order to improve the quality of palm oil production. The composition of the feed to be processed is another very significant factor in the operation of the palm oil mill decanter in the palm oil industry.