Use The Bathroom In German. Ich muss nur kurz das bad benutzen und dann bin ich weg. What are common german phrases?

2 use these translations to ask for directions to the bathroom: German translation badezimmer more german words for bathroom das badezimmer noun bathroom das bad. Das bad das waschbecken der spiegel die dusche die toilette der handtuchhalter der wasserhahn das schränkchen das bidet die duschabtrennung die badewanne mirror shower.
Gerry, Let Her Use The Bathroom.
Because she's gone to the. Bathroom n bad (ezimmer) nt euph (=lavatory) toilette f bathroom cabinet n toilettenschrank m bathroom fittings pl badezimmerausstattung f bathroom scales pl personenwaage f. Literally, “can i use the toilets?” german.
How Do You Say Toilet In A Formal Way?
What's the german word for bathroom? Thanks for the a2a, although i can only guess at the answer. 2 use these translations to ask for directions to the bathroom:
Das Badezimmerm The Bathroom A Little Zahnputzbecher (Toothbrush Mug) For Her Zahnbürste (Toothbrush) And Zahnpasta (Toothpaste) Is The Only Thing Left That She Needs For Zähne Putzen.
In sign language, the word for bathroom is made by tucking your thumb straight up between your pointer and middle fingers while making a fist and shaking your fist from side to side. The bathroom is guarded by a turnstile or an attendant. It was beautiful and earthy and i met a lot of street cats.
— Where Is The Bathroom?
It's like i've woken up in bed and she's not here. Das bad das waschbecken der spiegel die dusche die toilette der handtuchhalter der wasserhahn das schränkchen das bidet die duschabtrennung die badewanne mirror shower. More_vert du gehst ins badezimmer und schlägst dann die türe zu.
Benutzen, Verwendung, Verwenden, Nutzung, Einsatz.
I just need to use the bathroom and i'll be on my way. In a notebook and carry your notebook with you. Ich muss nur kurz das bad benutzen und dann bin ich weg.